比基尼 避暑 泳裝 寵物親子臉 劉謙魔術 

Whoever Finds This, I Love You
On a quiet street in the city在城市裡一條寂靜的街道上
A little old man walked alone一個瘦小的老人孤獨的走著
Shuffling through the autumn afternoon穿梭在那秋日的午後
And the autumn leaves reminded him滿地的落葉提醒著他
Another summers come and gone另一個夏天來過又走了
He had a long, lonely night ahead waiting for June六月再度來臨前,他得面對無數寂寞的漫漫長夜
Then among the leaves near an orphans home然後,在一所孤兒院附近的落葉中
A piece of paper caught his eyes一張紙條吸引住了他的眼光
And he stooped to pick it up with trembling hands他彎下腰用顫抖的手將它撿起
And as he read the childish writing而當他閱讀著那幼稚的筆跡時
The old man began to cry老人開始流淚
Cause the words burned inside him like a brand因為那些字句像把火炬般的在他心中燃燒
Whoever finds this, I love you撿到這紙條的人,我愛你
Whoever finds this, I need you撿到這紙條的人,我需要你
I aint even got no one to talk to我連個可以說說話的人都沒有
So whoever finds this, I love you所以不管你是誰,撿到這紙條的人,我愛你
Well, the old mans eyes searched the orphans home老人的目光向著孤兒院搜尋
And came to rest upon a child然後停留在一個孩子臉上
With her nose pressed up against the window pane那小女孩的鼻尖緊貼著窗玻璃
And the old man knew hed found a friend at last老人知道他終於找到一個朋友了
So he waved at her and smiled於是他對小女孩揮手微笑
And they both knew theyd spend the winter而他們都知道他們將共度冬天
Laughing at the rain一起嘲笑冰冷的雨水
And they did spend the winter laughing at the rain他們確實整個冬天一起嘲笑雨水
Talking through the fence隔著籬笆談天說地
Exchanging little gifts they made for each other交換著他們為彼此做的小禮物
The old man would carve toys老人會雕刻玩具
And the little girl would draw picturesof beautiful ladies for him小女孩則幫他在畫紙上畫上的美女
And they laughed a lot他們擁有許多的歡笑
But then one day, on the first of June可是有一天,就在六月的第一天
The little girl ran to the fence小女孩照常奔向籬笆
The old man wasnt there卻沒有看見老人的身影
And somehow she knew he was never coming back不知道為什麼,她知道老人不會再回來了
So she went back to her little room所以她回到她的小房間
Took a crayon and wrote拿出一枝蠟筆,再度寫著:
Whoever finds this, I love you撿到這紙條的人,我愛你
Whoever finds this, I need you撿到這紙條的人,我需要你
I aint even got no one to talk to我連個可以說說話的人都沒有
So whoever finds this, I love you所以不管你是誰,撿到這紙條的人,我愛你
So whoever finds this, I love you所以不管你是誰,撿到這紙條的人,我愛你



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